
Modernisation of 400 kV lines Tucznawa – Rogowiec and Joachimów – Rogowiec 3
The route of the line runs through Katowice and Łódż provinces (voivodships).
The order subject was execution of modernisation works of the 400 kV two-circuit overhead power line Tucznawa–Rogowiec and Joachimów–Rogowiec 3 with the length of 78 km, in the section:
- from substation Joachimów to substation Rogowiec for the Joachimów–Rogowiec 3 400 kV circuit,
- from pylon No 362 to substation Rogowiec for the Tucznawa–Rogowiec 400 kV circuit.
The modernisation was to ensure stability of energy supply in a very important element of the transmission network development in the country southern part. This section connects industrial areas of Upper Silesia and Częstochowa urban area with Bełchatów Power Station.
The material scope of the order included:
STAGE I: Preparatory works – formal/legal issues and work organisation
STAGE II: Construction/assembly works – material works
STAGE III: Final works – measurements and as-built documentation
The following works have been completed in the project:
- repair and maintenance of foundations,
- increase of some pylon heights,
- measurements and improvement of the effectiveness of anti-shock protection at selected positions,
- replacement of damaged glass&pin insulators,
- supplementation or replacement of defective pylon elements,
- adjustment of the distance of phase and grounding conductors,
- cleaning and protection against corrosion of supportive structures,
- replacement of obsolete shield wire with the new one with incorporated fibre-optic cables,
- installation of anti-vibration protection devices on grounding conductors,
- check and potential repair or extension of the pylon earthings,
- refurbishment of the line marking.
The benefits of the modernisation:
- improvement of the power supply security of Częstochowa and Upper Silesia regions,
- improvement of environmental conditions and the quality of the electricity supplied,
- creating of favourable conditions for connecting of new electricity consumers, and in this way increase of the attractiveness of local municipalities for new investments
- increase of reliability of the transmission system.
The contract of this project was concluded in October 2013, and the construction works were completed in June 2014.