
Modernization of the 220 kV line on the premises of PSE Południe
The route of the line runs through the following voivodeships: Śląskie, Świętokrzyskie, Łódzkie and Małopolskie. The scope of modernization works includes five sections of the line with a voltage of 220 kV:
- Joachimów – Rogowiec 1 – line length 78 km,
- Joachimów – Rogowiec 2 – line length 75 km,
- Łośnice – Koksochemia – line length 27 km,
- Łośnice – Kielce – line length 93.5 km,
- Łośnice – Siersza – line length 40 km.
The reason for the repair works are extreme weather phenomena causing line failures (in January 2010, the lines were in the catastrophic icing zone).
Modernizacja ma zapewnić bezpieczeństwo energetyczne oraz sprawne funkcjonowanie systemu energetycznego w tych regionach.
The modernization is to ensure energy security and efficient functioning of the energy system in these regions.
The scope of work was divided into three stages: preparation of design and formal-legal documentation, arrangements with the owners of the facilities, construction and assembly works, as well as research and development of as-built documentation.
- The following works were carried out as part of the investment:
- repair, maintenance and corrosion protection of poles,
- replacement of obsolete ground wires,
- replacement of corroded lightning protection towers,
- earthing control and repair,
- checking the effectiveness of fire protection,
- renewal of line marking,
laying and introducing fiber optic cables to the technological building at the station: Joachimów, Rogowiec, Łośnice, Kielce, Koksochemia,
installation of fiber optic distribution boxes at the stations: Joachimów, Rogowiec, Łośnice, Kielce, Koksochemia,
disassembly of the existing analog high-frequency teleprotection devices ESB400 and installation of redundant digital teleprotections equipped with optical and E1 interfaces on the 220 kV Łośnice – Kielce line.
Advantages of line modernization:
improving the energy security of the Śląskie, Świętokrzyskie, Łódzkie and Małopolskie voivodeships,
improvement of the technical condition of the line,
creating favorable conditions for ensuring new connections, and thus increasing the attractiveness of areas for new investments
Dealing with all formal and legal matters necessary for the implementation of the investment, including obtaining all permits and decisions required by law, began in August 2014, while modernization works were completed in March 2017.