Fibre optic networks
Elbud Katowice od kilkudziesięciu lat uczestniczy jako Generalny Wykonawca w budowie i modernizacji infrastruktury telekomunikacyjnej dla energetyki. Oferujemy kompleksową budowę torów światłowodowych zarówno napowietrznych linii elektroenergetycznych 400 kV, 220 kV i 110 kV, jak i linii kablowych układanych w ziemi. W zależności od warunków konkretnego obiektu liniowego oraz wytycznych Inwestora wykonujemy budowę kanałów napowietrznych w technice OPGW lub ADSS.
Do każdego projektu podchodzimy indywidualnie, zaczynając od szczegółowej analizy specyfiki obiektu, doboru odpowiednich rozwiązań, materiałów i optymalnych technik pracy, gwarantujących wieloletnią niezawodną pracę. Na tym etapie współpracujemy z najbardziej doświadczonymi w branży energetycznej biurami projektowymi, takimi jak Energoprojekt Poznań i Energoprojekt-Kraków.

The execution part of a specific task is performed by specialised line teams, with many years of experience fortified by numerous trainings and extensive equipment support. At that stage of works the most important issue is to reach the status that the final duct measurement comparable with textbook examples. We try as much as possible to achieve it every time. Obtaining such results is based in principle on perfectly performed welding of two fibre-optic sections. Our fibre-optic teams after extensive training and experience of thousands of welds are capable to reach that level of perfection. The final measurements are performed using reflectometric and transmission methods, in accordance with the highest standards and due diligence, to ensure that the test result documentation is reliable and reflects the real line status.
We specialised not only in new fibre-optic ducts. We have also considerable expertise in detecting causes of the reported faults, ad hoc problem analysis and quickly finding their solutions.
We’ve got the top technology equipment: Fujikura welders, EXFO reflectometers and transmission measurement meters, IVECO Daily 4WD operation car capable to negotiate the most difficult terrain conditions.
In our 25-year long history of activity in fibre optic sector we’ve laid thousands of kilometres of fibre-optic ducts, modernised hundreds of kilometres of the existing ones, performed hundreds of thousands of welds and measured tens of thousands of fibres.
Due to collaboration with many contractor companies we execute works associated with the construction of complete teletransmission hubs, consisting of active devices, passive equipment, with power supply and air conditioning systems. We offer also works related to modernisation of operation interiors, specifically concerning special floors, suspended ceilings, cable ducts, electrical installations and fixed fire suppression systems. We may also provide technical protection systems for power industry objects including closed-circuit TV, burglary and assault alarm system, access control system, fire alarm signalling system and perimeter protection system.
The secret behind all the achievements we can boast of should be attributed to people. The people, who consider their job a pursuit and striving continuously for perfection, never satisfied with half measures and approaching the limits of impossibility. Elbud Katowice is the people – the people with commitment making a perfectly complete team.